With the development of modern industry, the small spray dryer equipment is a boring and vital equipment.,Dry equipment has been widely used in chemical industry, medicine, feed, grain and other professions. The contradiction between the demand for high quality and high output value of dry materials and manual intermittent production is becoming more and more outstanding.,The influence of site environment, temperature, humidity and other changes;Material temperature, moisture content and other differences have other effects;The influence of operator's horizontal concave and convex,It also greatly aggravates the confrontation, thus,It is very important to control the dryness process automatically. The dryness usually refers to the operation of vaporizing the water in the guess and discharging the water vapor generated by it by heating. This process is mainly the process of heat and mass transfer, which is completed by the heat carrier.,And in the dryer,The residence time or traveling speed of the material in the heat carrier will affect the quality and output value of the product in the drying process. Heat, air flow and traveling speed of the material are the main parameters for describing the drying system.,Adjust a parameter arbitrarily,Can change the quality of dry materials, how to control the above parameters?,It is the key to the automatic control of the dull process.
What is the difference between the four types of sealing structure of the small spray dryer? First, the axial touch type, the axial touch mode is to set up supporting equipment at the two inlet and outlet boxes of the small spray dryer, which is called the static ring, and then set up a tightening ring with the rotation of the cylinder, which is called the moving ring. The movement of the cylinder of the spray drying machine moves and moves, so there is a vacant space between the moving ring and the cylinder, and a tiny leakage appearance is formed.
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